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Dear Members,

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****** ATTENTION BROKERSHELPER.COM MEMBERS ****** We've re-branded our site. You'll notice is now Your log-ins are the same and nothing has changed except the addition of new features. Please explore the new tour on the front of the website to see new features.

Please reload your browser! We've added new features!

You'll notice a new email and SMS button in the upper left corner. WIthin the Settings you'll also see a "storage" tab. Join us next Tuesday for a live webinar. We'll demonstrate these new tools and show you how to use them in your business:

3/1, Tues. 10am PDT * Quick Email & Attachments * * Text Message Marketing * * Doc Storage and Sharing *

Register for this webinar here:

Stay tuned for an additional two new features early next week!

Have a Great Week! - Frank Jurado, President

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